Thursday, June 27, 2019


As I reflect on my day today I keep           coming back to the realization that 25     years ago this country was dealing with   the harsh reality of a Genocide. So, I sit  and  think, much like Japan did after              Hiroshima they chose reconciliation and  Peace. The message here is through       actions and not so much words. The pastis not spoken of too much here. Instead  they move forward and they hope others will not have to endure what they have. 
A full generation of kids lost their families and a country almost lost its way. The     youth needed special attention if the       country was going to move forward. An   Investment was made in the youth. 

All the families at the village follow similar guidelines With similar attributes trust,     respect, reliable, love, responsibility and  teamwork.
You can’t help but think of all the differentfamilies that you belong to and how         those same attributes are present in yourfamilies and when they are not it shows. The relationships are strained. Think        about your immediate family, work family, extended family, close friends that are      like family. Who do you go to when you  have a problem?
If Rwanda can heal as a nation by            relying on the family structure, that           speaks volumes to the power of the         family. 
Embrace your family!

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