Monday, July 1, 2019

Azzizi Lifestyle

Today we visited a women’s cooperative program that lets people experience life of Rwandans that live the rural life in the mountains in the Muhanga region of        Rwanda.
Our first challenge was to wake up 5 teenagers to get on a bus at 5:15. Our ride   was three hours so we met our guide       evaleise and then drove 15-20 minutes to the town where we would meet our hosts
Once there we met with 7 women who   would be working with us for the day.
We gathered in a family room of sorts     and introduced ourselves, went over our schedule and then prayed before we        started to work. 
Our first chore was to go to the kitchen, with the cow, pig and chicken and peel   Potatoes with giant kitchen knives. These potatoes were put in a pot with beans     that would cook while we worked and we could have for lunch. The peels went to   the pig.
Our next chore was to go hoe the hillsideby the banana trees this was pretty tough work, but there were a lot of us to go out and pick grass and fill bags to carry back 
To the cow for his lunch. 
Then it was off to fetch water! We all        armed ourselves with plastic jugs of        various sizes and headed down the hill to the village to fill our bottles. At the water sourcewe were surrounded by all the       kids of the Village, I was taking pictures  of them and showing them... they loved   them. It was so fun! 
After the water run we learned about the sisal plant and we cut pieces and             cleaned it with machetes, then dyed it    And proceeded to learn how to make     bracelets....which I was terrible at, but.    they helped me a lot. 
After we made our bracelets we were      treated to a meal of sweet potatoes,       beans and avacado. 
Then we danced and sang and prayed    and then it was time to sad! 

This was a great way to think about all    The things we take for granted as well asall the  things we think we need but really don’t. I can’t help but reflect on how so much community is displayed around       This country. Everyone hangs out             together and they meet at the water         source or they meet in the village. And    boy, do then work their buts off! So manykids running around playing, it’s such a   nice vibe! 

Upon our return we had family time! My   family had some great questions for me,  the hardest one was what is something  good you can say about your president. Lol. 
After family time we had a group meetingand debriefed our day. The kids had a lotof fun and are really bonding with the      students in the village. 
All in all another wonderful night,

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